Free Weekend Calls On Your Mobile Phone

Vodafone and several other mobile phone companies have recently brought in a number of added value deals for social use mobile customers to make their deals more attractive. One of these is the offer of free weekend calls to users on certain tariffs. These packages are particularly attractive to people who mainly use their mobile phone to keep in touch with friends and family, and for whom the majority of their calls are made on the weekend.

The phone networks are always at their busiest during work hours, when staff on the road are in contact with the office, and when companies are most likely to call people using mobile phones, and consequently, the networks have expanded over the last few years to ensure that there is enough bandwidth available for peak times.

This means that there is always too much capacity at the weekends, so in order to encourage people to use it, the networks offer the chance to make free weekend calls, however their intention in doing this is not as philanthropic as it may immediately seem.

If you start to get into the habit of using your phone a lot more, then you will find that you start using it for things that you previously would not have done. For example, making calls during the day when it is most expensive. You will also find that you become more reliant on your mobile, and start looking at a higher tariff that earns the network operator more money each month.

The networks make a huge profit on phone calls made using mobile phones, and although they offer bulk minutes as part of many contracts, the actual costs of providing the service once the cost of the network is paid are actually very small – less than a penny for each minute you talk for.

However, the offer of free weekend calls does have a bright side for most people, and the ability to stay in touch with friends and families without the worry of how much a call is going to cost is a positive thing, that will inevitably bring people closer together,.

Mark Hirst writes for Best Mobile Contracts, a website that specialises in finding the best mobile phone deals. If you would like to find great orange mobile phone contracts then visit his site today